
Personal Liability Insurance: Do You Really Need It?

Feb 20, 2017

Asset Protection

Personal Liability Insurance: Do You Really Need It?

Personal liability insurance may protect you from financial disaster, but what are the odds you will ever have to use it? Do you really need personal liability insurance? 

Personal liability insurance protects all of your assets by paying claims and damages made against you in case you injure other people or other property. The good news is that if you have auto, renters, or homeowners insurance, you already have some coverage. If you hit someone with your car your auto liability insurance kicks in to pay for the damages to the car and the other person's bodily injuries. If someone falls down your stairs and breaks their leg, or injures themselves in some other manner, your homeowners liability insurance will cover the medical bills. These are all, of course, up to a limit. But what about everything else that is not covered by your home or auto insurance? Or the amount for which you are liable surpasses your covered amounts? This is where umbrella insurance can step in to cover the gaps that are not covered by your home and auto insurance. If your limit on your homeowners insurance policy is only up to $500,000 and the accident which you caused leads to being a $1 million dollar lawsuit, you are going to be in trouble. About half-a-million dollars in trouble. An umbrella policy can cover that amount, but only after your home/auto insurance policy is tapped out. This is one reason that umbrella insurance policies are inexpensive. And their price is one of the reasons you want to take advantage of an umbrella insurance policy and be covered for any possible accident. Make sure that you are protected with the right umbrella insurance policy. Contact Abatelli Group, Inc. for a proper quote on your insurance needs.