
What to Consider When Looking to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium

Feb 10, 2022

Car Insurance

What to Consider When Looking to Lower Your Car Insurance Premium
Car insurance costs are always on the rise. If you want to keep your monthly premiums low, it's important to speak with your insurance carrier first. Switching policies too often can lead to carriers penalizing you. However, bundling your insurance policies is an easy and effective way to save on costs. Utilizing the expertise of an insurance agent when shopping for auto insurance, is the best way to keep up to date on your policy terms and conditions.

Circumstances Change

Circumstances change for all of us. Teenagers need to be added or removed from your policy. You may have purchased a new car or sold the one you no longer needed. Even small events can have an impact on the price of your car insurance premiums.

Look For The Right Deal

While many of us are constantly looking for ways to save money, its important to make sure that when you find a good deal, it isn't because you have to take a cut in your coverage. That's not a deal, that's a trade-off, and it can cost you in the long run. Look for types of coverage you may no longer need. If you no longer have a loan on your car, you may be able to drop your coverage down to collision or PL/PD.

Know What Discounts You Are Eligible For

Every insurance company offers discounts. A few good examples are a safe driving discount for those with no tickets or citations and a good student discount for teens who maintain a good GPA. Talk to your insurance agent, and you may be surprised to find out what discounts you are eligible for.

Check Your Credit Score

Check your credit score. You may qualify for lower premiums as you pay off old debts and improve your credit score. Check your credit score frequently and look for ways to improve it. A good credit score indicates less risk and can result in lower premiums. If you think you may be paying too much for your auto insurance, call the agents at Abatelli Insurance Group, Inc. We have several discounts that you can apply for and will be able to find the perfect policy for your needs. Contact us today to learn more!